Jewelers making, repairing, designing, jewelry in metal to create finished pieces or when making models for fabrication have nead for Rolling Mills. These rolling mills are the easiest most convinint method of making the sheet or wire you need on demand to the size you need and want, to make sheet and wire from scrap gold or gold ingots. Jewelry making, and metal smithing , wire making, sheet making metal forming done with rolling mills is easy. Saves you time and money. So unless you want to buy the wire or sheet ready made and thus spend money needlessly, buying a rolling mill is the only way to go. And here are a few brands of mills you may find here: Cavallin, Pepe, HDM, mario di maio, tatum, Grobet, Vigor, Pepe, to name a few.
Rolling mills to make sheet and wire from scrap gold or gold ingots or to make silver wire is a must. Jewelry making, and metal smithing , wire making, sheet making metal forming done with rolling mills is easy. Saves you time and money.